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Mechanize How To Add To A Select List?

I just started experimenting with submitting webforms through mechanize. On this webpage there is a list of items to select from, MASTER_MODS. These can be selected in either MODS

Solution 1:

Try this? Explanation in the comments.

from mechanize import Browser, Item
br = Browser()
br.addheaders = [('User-agent',
                  'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:'' Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]
url = ''\

# get the actual control object instead of its contents
mods = br.find_control('MODS')
# add an item
item = Item(mods, {"contents": "Acetyl (N-term)", "value": "Acetyl (N-term)"})
# select it. if you don't, it doesn't appear in the output# this is probably why MASTER_MODS appears empty
item.selected = Trueprint br['MODS']
# outputs: ['Acetyl (N-term)']

Assuming this works, I got it from the comments in the docs:

To add items to a list container, instantiate an Item with its control and attributes: Note that you are responsible for getting the attributes correct here, and these are not quite identical to the original HTML, due to defaulting rules and a few special attributes (e.g. Items that represent OPTIONs have a special "contents" key in their .attrs dict). In future there will be an explicitly supported way of using the parsing logic to add items and controls from HTML strings without knowing these details. mechanize.Item(cheeses, {"contents": "mascarpone", "value": "mascarpone"})

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