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Pymongo Api Typeerror: Unhashable Dict

I'm writing an API for my software so that it is easier to access mongodb. I have this line: def update(self, recid): self.collection.find_and_modify(query={'recid':rec

Solution 1:

It's simple, you have added extra/redundant curly braces, try this:

                                update={"$set": {"creation_date": str(}})

UPD (explanation, assuming you are on python>=2.7):

The error occurs because python thinks you are trying to make a set with {} notation:

The set classes are implemented using dictionaries. Accordingly, the requirements for set elements are the same as those for dictionary keys; namely, that the element defines both __eq__() and __hash__().

In other words, elements of a set should be hashable: e.g. int, string. And you are passing a dict to it, which is not hashable and cannot be an element of a set.

Also, see this example:

>>> {{}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File"<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

Hope that helps.

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