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Python Download Zip Files From A Public Ftp Server

I need to download several (Digital Earth Model) zip files in a folder 'C:\DEMDownload' on my PC (windows OS) from the public geodata base of Canada Government. when i run my cod

Solution 1:

I was able to successfully download the zip files with your given url with this:

# connect to ftp
url = urlparse.urlparse("")
ftp = ftplib.FTP(url.netloc)

withopen(filename, 'w') as fobj:
    ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % basename, fobj.write)

You can avoid the hardcoded dir/filenames by walking through the ftp directories similar to how you might walk through a local directory with some creative usage of ftplib.FTP.dir()

Full code below:

url = ''
url = urlparse.urlparse(url)

local_root = os.path.expanduser("~/ftp_download") # change this to wherever you want to download todefdownload(ftp, ftp_path, filename, check_cwd=True):
    Using the given ftp connection, download from ftp_path to 

    If check_cwd is False, assume the ftp connection is already 
    in the correct current working directory (cwd)
    basename = posixpath.basename(ftp_path)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
    ifnot os.path.exists(dirname):
    if check_cwd:
        ftp_dirname = posixpath.dirname(ftp_path)
        if ftp_dirname != ftp.pwd():

    withopen(filename, 'w') as fobj:
        ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % basename, fobj.write)

    Given a valid ftp connection, get a list of 2-tuples of the
    files in the ftp current working directory, where the first
    element is whether the file is a directory and the second 
    element is the filename.
    """# use a callback to grab the ftp.dir() output in a list
    dir_listing = []
    ftp.dir(lambda x: dir_listing.append(x))
    return [(line[0].upper() == 'D', line.rsplit()[-1]) for line in dir_listing]

# connect to ftp
ftp = ftplib.FTP(url.netloc)

# recursively walk through the directory and download each file, depth first
stack = [url.path]
while stack:
    path = stack.pop()

    # add all directories to the queue
    children = ftp_dir(ftp)
    dirs = [posixpath.join(path, child[1]) for child in children if child[0]]
    files = [posixpath.join(path, child[1]) for child in children ifnot child[0]] 
    stack.extend(dirs[::-1]) # add dirs reversed so they are popped out in order# download all files in the directoryfor filepath in files:
        download(ftp, filepath, os.path.join(local_root, filepath.split(url.path,1)[-1]), 

# logout

You can condense this further through usage of one of the python ftp wrapper libraries such as ftptool or ftputil

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