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Python Write Siblings In Xml Below Desired Tag

I am trying to add some sibling tags after 10 tag My XML looks like: 999

Solution 1:

You can find position of VIDPOM in list of children of SLUCH

index = list(SLUCH).index(VIDPOM)  # deprecated: SLUCH.getchildren().index(VIDPOM)

and then you can insert one position after VIDPOM

SLUCH.insert(index+1, new_tag)

To format new element like VIDPOM (the same indentations) you can copy tail

new_tag.tail = VIDPOM.tail

Minimal working code - with data directly in code.

text ='''
'''import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#tree = ET.parse('file.xml')#root = tree.getroot()
root = ET.fromstring(text)

for SLUCH in root.iter('SLUCH'):

    new_tag = ET.Element('MY_CUSTOM_TAG')
    new_tag.text = 'TEXT IS HERE'
    new_tag.tail = VIDPOM.tail  # copy text after `tag`

    index = list(SLUCH).index(VIDPOM)
    #index = SLUCH.getchildren().index(VIDPOM)  # deprecated
    SLUCH.insert(index+1, new_tag)




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