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Replacing A Value In String With A Value In A Dictionary In Python

Could you assist me with replacing an identifier value with a value from a dictionary. So the code looks like follow #string holds the value we want to output s = '${1}_p${

Solution 1:

Use re.findall to get the values to be replaced.

>>>import re>>>to_replace = re.findall('{\d}',s)>>>to_replace
=> ['{1}', '{2}']

Now go through the to_replace values and perform .replace().

>>> for r in to_replace: 
        val = int(r.strip('{}'))
        try:                                     #since d[val] may not be present
               s = s.replace('$'+r, d[val])

>>> s
=> 'bob_p${guid}s_123abc'

#driver values:

IN : s = '${1}_p${guid}s_${2}'
IN : d = {1: 'bob', 2: '123abc', 3: 'CA', 4: 'smith' }

Solution 2:

Try this. So, I know what to replace for each key in the dictionary. I think the code is self explanatory.

s = '${1}_p${guid}s_${2}'
d = {1: 'bob', 2: '123abc', 3: 'CA', 4: 'smith' }

for i in d:
    s = s.replace('${'+str(i)+'}',d[i])



Solution 3:

You can use the standard string .format() method. Here is a link to the docs with the relevant info. You might find the following quote from the page particularly useful.

"First, thou shalt count to {0}"  # Referencesfirst positional argument
"Bring me a {}"                   # Implicitly references the first positional argument
"From {} to {}"                   # Same as "From {0} to {1}"
"My quest is {name}"              # References keyword argument 'name'
"Weight in tons {0.weight}"       # 'weight' attribute offirst positional arg
"Units destroyed: {players[0]}"   # First element of keyword argument 'players'.

Here is your code modified based on using the .format() method.

# string holds the value we want to output
d = {1: 'bob', 2: '123abc', 3: 'CA', 4: 'smith'}

s = ''try:
    s = '{0[1]}_p'.format(d) + '${guid}' + 's_{0[2]}'.format(d)
except KeyError:
    # Handles the case when the key is not in the given dict. It will keep the sting as blank. You can also put# something else in this section to handle this case. passprint s

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