Terminating A Program Within A Time Frame Through Python
Solution 1:
Not the most sophisticated piece of code in the world but it may be useful.
import subprocess, time
x = subprocess.Popen(['sleep', '15'])
polling = None
i = 0while polling == None:
polling = x.poll()
i +=1if i > 15: breakif polling == None:
print"Time out - process terminated"# process terminated by kill commandexcept OSError:
print"Process completed on time"# process terminated between poll and kill commandsexcept Exception as e:
print"Error "+str(e) # kill command failed due to another exception "e"else:
print"Process Completed after "+str(i)+" seconds"
Edit: Problems with kill not appearing to function.
Try using os.kill(x.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
rather than SIGTERM
I believe that SIGTERM
asks the process to close down cleanly, rather than terminate immediately. Not knowing what drives the fortran script, it's difficult to know what the terminate signal does. Perhaps the code is doing something.
For example:
if I ran a shell script as follows:
#!/bin/bashtrap"echo signal" 15
sleep 30
and sent it kill -15 pid_number
, it would not print "signal" until the sleep had terminated after 30 seconds, whereas if I issued kill -9 pid_number
it would terminate immediately with nothing printed out.
The short answer, is I don't know but I suspect that the answer lies within the script running the fortran code.
Note: In order to successfully run x.kill()
or os.kill()
or subprocess.call('kill '+ str(x.pid), shell=True)
, shell
option in x needs to be False. Thus one can use
import shlex
args = shlex.split(ARGS HERE)
x = subprocess.Popen(args) # shell=False is default
But also note that if you want to write the output to a log file by using ... >& log_file
it wont work since >&
is not an valid argument for your script but for your shell environment. Thus one needs to use only arguments that are valid for the script that python runs.
Solution 2:
There's a timeout argument on check_output, just set it to 15 seconds.
subprocess.check_output(['arg1', 'arg2'], timeout=15)
print("Timed out")
Documentation here https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.check_output
check_output returns the output as well, so if you care about it just store the result.
There's also a wait function that's useful for more complicated use cases. Both check_output and wait block until the process finishes, or until the timeout is reached.
Solution 3:
Additional answer to the one above, shell has an internal timeout command as well so it can be used as follows;
timeout <TIME IN SEC> ./blabla > log_file
I'm using it in python as follows;
check_output('timeout --signal=SIGKILL 12 ./<COMMAND> > log', shell=True)
flag = 0except:
flag = 1
Thus one can check if flag is 1 or 0 to understand what happened to the job. Note that --signal=SIGKILL
is just written Killed
at the end of the run if its terminated. For more signal options one can check kill -l
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