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What Is The Python (numpy Or Scipy Or Pandas) Equivalent For R's Adjboxstats Function?

I do use R to get the outliers for data set and I do use this snippet in R and it works like it's advertised to! library('robustbase') adjboxStats(c(11232.1, 234.2, 3445532344.3, 3

Solution 1:

The hanging appears to happen when you import both rpy and rpy2. If you just do:

from rpy import *
r("adjboxStats")(r.c(11232.1, 234.2, 3445532344.3, 34302.3, 203.9, 232223.3, 3434.55), coef = 2.5, a = -4, b = 3, do_conf = True, do_out = True)

This code should work.

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