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Django Collectstatic Command Fails In Aws Elastic Beanstalk Amazon Linux 2 Python 3 Platform

I've been struggling for several days now to deploy my Django application to Elastic Beanstalk using the Amazon Linux 2 Python 3.7 platform. After managing to deploy the app I can'

Solution 1:

Hey I just deployed my django app successfully with static files. Here's what my config looks like.


container_commands:01_collectstatic:command:"source $PYTHONPATH/activate && python collectstatic --noinput"option_settings:aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:python:WSGIPath:appname.wsgi:applicationaws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:proxy:staticfiles:/static:static

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)# = '/static/'STATIC_ROOT = 'static'

The environment variables are for the ebs environment not the EC2 instance itself I think. I also don't see PYTHONPATH when I ssh into the EC2 instance but I do see it in the environment variables for my ebs environment in Environment > Configuration > Software on AWS Console


This is my file structure:

┣ .ebextensions/
┃ ┗ django.config
┣ .elasticbeanstalk/
┃ ┗ config.yml
┣ appname/

Solution 2:

The trick here is that the full output of container_commands in /var/log/cfn-init-cmd.log (Amazon Linux 2 Elastic Beanstalk released November 2020).

See related answer Running Django migrations when deploying to Elastic Beanstalk for full details.

PS. I highly recommend the whitenoise package rather than explicitly configuring aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:proxy:staticfiles. This simplifies your configuration because all files are served though Django and closely aligns the behaviour of your development and production environments.

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