Unable To Decode Unicode String In Python 2.4
Solution 1:
Your string is not in UTF8 encoding. If you want to 'decode' string to unicode, your string must be in encoding you specified by parameter. I tried this and it works perfectly:
For writing unicode strings to the file you can use codecs module:
importcodecsf= codecs.open("yourfile.txt", "w", "utf8")
f.write( ... )
It is handy to specify encoding of the input/output and using 'unicode' string throughout your code without bothering of different encodings.
Solution 2:
It's obviously 1-byte encoding. 'ö' in UTF-8 is '\xc3\xb6'.
The encoding might be:
- ISO-8859-1
- ISO-8859-2
- ISO-8859-13
- ISO-8859-15
- Win-1250
- Win-1252
Solution 3:
You need to use "ISO-8859-1":
Name = 'w\xf6rner'.decode('iso-8859-1')
file.write('Name: %s - %s\n' %(Name, type(Name)))
utf-8 uses 2 bytes for escaping anything outside ascii, but here it's just 1 byte, so iso-8859-1 is probably correct.
Solution 4:
So in my code to reproduce I changed '\xf6' to '\xc3\xb6', and the failure still occurs
Not in the first line it doesn't:
>>> 'w\xc3\xb6rner'.decode('utf-8')
The second line will error out though:
>>> file.write('Name: %s - %s\n' %(Name, type(Name)))UnicodeEncodeError:'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)
Which is entirely what you'd expect, trying to write non-ASCII Unicode characters to a byte stream. If you use Jiri's suggestion of a codecs-wrapped stream you can write Unicode directly, otherwise you will have to re-encode the Unicode string into bytes manually.
Better, for logging purposes, would be simply to spit out a repr() of the variable. Then you don't have to worry about Unicode characters being in there, or newlines or other unwanted characters:
name= 'w\xc3\xb6rner'.decode('utf-8')
file.write('Name: %r\n' % name)
Name: u'w\xf6rner'
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