Check List Item Is Present In Dictionary
I'm trying to extend Python - Iterate thru month dates and print a custom output and add an addtional functionality to check if a date in the given date range is national holiday,
Solution 1:
In general, everything you want the dates to be grouped by needs to be added to the dictionary keys:
year, month, st_dt, en_dt, public_holiday = 2020, 5, 1, 31, (4, 14)
ph = []
for d in public_holiday:
ph.append(date(year, month, int(d)))
defdaterange(startDate, endDate, delta=timedelta(days=1)):
currentDate = startDate
while currentDate <= endDate:
yield currentDate
currentDate += delta
allDays = {}
_lastDayType = Nonefor dte in daterange(date(year, month, st_dt), date(year, month, en_dt), delta=timedelta(days=1)):
if dte.weekday() < 5:
_dayType = 'working'else:
_dayType = 'weekend'
_hol = dte in ph # True or False
_weeknum = dte.strftime("%V")
_key = (_weeknum, _dayType, _hol) # make unique rows!if _key notin allDays:
allDays[_key] = []
for k,v in allDays.items():
week_end = ''
gov_hol = k[-1]
iflen(v) == 1:
first, last = v[0], v[0]
eliflen(v) == 2and k[1] == 'weekend':
first, last, week_end = v[0], v[-1], 'YES'else:
first, last = v[0], v[-1]
print(f"{gov_hol}, {first} >> {last} >> {len(v)} >> {week_end}")
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