Gnuplot: Plotting One Series Per Line Of Input Values
I have a CSV file that looks like this: fft_0,fft_1,fft_2,fft_3,fft_4,fft_5,fft_6,fft_7,fft_8,fft_9,fft_10,fft_11,fft_12,fft_13,fft_14,fft_15,fft_16,fft_17,fft_18,fft_19,fft_20,fft
Solution 1:
Right, I think I solved it (using the answer from and the answer from Christoph):
set terminal png size 1920,1080set datafile sep ","
unset keyset xtics 0,5,255set title "mytitle"set autoscale cbfix
plot "fft.csv" matrix using1:3:2with lines palette
This gives me something like this:
Solution 2:
In order to have every line with a different color, use either palette
or linecolor variable
set datafile separator ','
set autoscale cbfix
plot 'file.csv' matrix every :::1 using 1:3:2 with lines palette
This uses the row number to color the lines based on the current palette. This is very useful if you have many lines to draw. set autoscale cbfix
prevents the color range to be extended to the next major tics.
For only a few lines, you could also use
plot 'file.csv' matrix every :::1 using 1:3:2 linecolor variable with lines
This uses the row number as index for the linetype
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